Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.

Finding Your Three Hobbies Ep. 14



Once I came across this quote, "Find Three Hobbies you Love: One to make you Money. One to keep you in Shape. One to keep you Creative." It really resonated with me, and I wanted to elaborate more on my thoughts about it. I truly feel that this mindset is something that could help channel our lives to be more focused and happier. With all the obstacles and curve balls we are thrown, having our three hobbies we know we can go back to or escape to, can bring ease to our lives. I encourage you guys, to really sit down and write out what you feel your three hobbies are, and if they aren't what you'd like to see, then maybe it's time for some change for the better! Please share, leave a review, and give some feedback. Thank you all for listening!