Voice Of The Fire

Voice of the Fire - Episode 2: Mehdi El Ghaly



In this episode of Voice of the Fire we take a look at contemporary storytelling in Morocco and talk to the Moroccan storyteller Mehdi El Ghaly about his drive, his stories and his life in a changing society. Traditional storytelling in Morocco is not dead, neither is it dying. It lives on in people who speak and adapt, who turn stories of djinn and queens into modern fables about people, about power and intelligence. Mehdi El Ghaly: The Tribe of Ten (TedX Marrakech) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pjFuLo4U3I https://mehdielghaly.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/thestorytellermehdielghaly/ https://www.instagram.com/mehdielghaly/ Al Halqa - a film by Thomas Ladenburger http://www.alhalqa.com/index.php/en/expo.html The Last Storytellers by Richard Hamilton http://www.richard-hamilton.com/the-last-storytellers/