Voice Of The Fire

Voice of the Fire - Episode 3: Uramili



In the third episode of Voice of the Fire we talk to two documentary filmmakers from South India, Anushka Meenakshi and Iswar Srikumar, who have been working on the Uramili project for several years. In long journeys through their home-country they have documented, filmed and recorded hundreds of songs - work songs, death songs, protest songs, laments, songs of joy etc. - that are found in different regions of India. We know of the tradition that songs had in Western art and storytelling, but we know very little of the (still living) traditions of song in India. Uramili aims to change that. You can see a trailer for their most recent documentary Up, Down and Sideways, which has screened at film festivals all over the world and received several awards here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJsCbJfICoY Their website, in case you want to contact or support them, is here: www.uramili.in You can also find them on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uramili/