Disney Philharpodcast

Episode 8: Front vs. Back: The Ultimate Showdown



Ladies and Gentleman, Let's Get Ready to Ruuuuuuuuumble!!!! This Episode we do something totally different and super fun; we have a proper, high school style debate team debate! Well, we're not sure if it is a debate, or, a boxing match, or, a case in the Court of Disney, or what! But we do know, this is a very serious topic and a very divisive issue. Laura argues for #TeamBack while Alison argues #TeamFront; Andrew plays moderator and tries to stay neutral. Oh...and impressions! Andy's Roundup brings Dante's Inferno alive with another tough, topical question as usual. Correction from Episode 7: Brad Rex was the Vice President of Epcot when Andrew was given the award, not the President. Ding, Ding! Twitter: @disphilharpod Insta: @disneyphilharpodcast Contact: disneyphilharpodcast@gmail.com