Kc Greats

KC Greats Episode 5 - Michael Wilson of Niall



On this episode of KC Greats, we're exploring Niall, a luxury goods company making world class watches here in Kansas City. Michael Wilson, the founder and CEO of Niall, tells us about their progress and vision for the future. http://www.niallluxury.com/ https://twitter.com/NiallLuxuryUS https://twitter.com/wilsonspeaking https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelrwilson http://kansascity.royals.mlb.com/kc/royals-charities/ http://bigslickkc.org/ http://www.childrensmercy.org/ http://www.burgereng.com/ Michael's Hidden Gems https://www.facebook.com/taysburgershack/ http://sandlotgoods.com/ (NOTE: Manifesto site link broken at publishing, FB added instead below) https://www.facebook.com/Manifesto http://jriegerco.com/ http://www.nkc.org/