Tell Me Your Story

Vicki Znavor - Authenticity Reawakened



Vicki Znavor learned to be self-sufficient early in life. Despite being a great student, attending college right out of high school was a distant dream because she had to support herself financially. She postponed college and jumped into the work force as a typing/filing clerk. With perseverance and resilience, she learned on the job and advanced by working hard and learning ways to add value at work despite not having a degree. After spending more than a dozen years juggling work, marriage, parenting and night school, she realized her dream and graduated with a BA and then an MBA. It wasn’t until she began to acknowledge and honor her life story, her truth and values, and make them her coda, that she found her place in the world, ultimately becoming a top C-Suite human resources executive. In her four decades of work, she not only found a path to being herself at work, but she became passionate about helping others do the same. She learned from her own experiences that people only do their best, purpose-driv