Murder, Alaska

Interview with Mike Campbell about his book Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last - Part II



In part two of my interview with author Mike Campbell about his book "Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last" we briefly cover again the circumstances of Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan's disappearance. Mike then recounts the timeline of the official narrative and the mainstream acceptance of other ideas like the crashed-and-sank hypothesis and the Gardner Island or Nikumaroro-landing hypothesis and why they have no merit. Mike then talks about the work of TIGHAR and Ric Gillespie and the almost performance art-like expeditions that they've engaged in including using cadaver dogs to try and unearth evidence of Earhart on Nikumaroro many years after her disappearance. Mike also details the dearth of evidence for these ideas and analyzes why the media continues to support them despite their lack of substance. Show notes and links: Mike Campbell's book "Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last" 2nd edition published by Sunbury Press on Amazon: Mike Campbell's blog which contains many articles u