Amy On The Hill

Jesus the King - The Stain & The Approach



We all can see that there is evil in this world, but it's really hard for us to confront the reality that some of that evil resides within us. Its much more comfortable to blame other people, pop-culture, unjust social policies, religion and/or corrupt politicians. After all, "other people" are oppressive, greedy, selfish and racist. We fight against those people. We're the good guys. We think our justice system will save us. Our political candidate will make this right. For some, religion is the answer. For others, religion is the problem. Though its true that there are many problems in this world, more than we could list, the Bible teaches that the root of the problem of evil can also be found within each one of us. There are no exceptions. It is a stain that prevents everyone from living the abundant life we were intended to live. And how we respond to this claim, individually, has the capacity to change everything...