Amy On The Hill

Crazy Love - Stop Praying



It seems ironic to add to this statement with more words. After all, even this very true and worthwhile observation by Francis Chan adds to the barrage of words we are bombarded with in our culture. Still, recognizing a problem like this can be very helpful in taking steps in the direction of healing and freedom. Many of us are overwhelmed by the messages being streamed at us. Who do we listen to? What ideas are worth considering? Where are we being fed lies that cause discontentment? How do we break the cycle? Or perpetual state of distraction makes it hard to even focus in prayer. We often dump on God with words rather than allowing Him to speak to us, and without taking time to worship Him for his majesty. This week on the podcast, we discuss Chapter 1 of Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love. This chapter, entitled,"Stop Praying," thoughtfully addresses these issues, and aims to help us enter into a more meaningful and reverent relationship with our Creator.