Human Better 365

Success Comes From Failure



When you hear the word failure what do you think of? A long list of negative adjectives? That’s because the society we view failures with such a negative perspective that suggesting it as a good thing seems strange. We curse ourselves for our failures and whine over our mistakes. But what if we started to think of failures as opportunities to learn? Nobody is born perfect. As humans, we are destined to make mistakes – it is the way it is. We can’t learn to walk without falling, can we? Exactly! So, every time you fall, pick yourself up, dust off your butt, and give it another try – that’s what successful people do! As Zig Ziglar put it, “Failure is an event, not a person.” There is nothing wrong with you. If you have failed, it’s just an indication that your approach was wrong and you can do better in the future. If you are afraid of failing, you won’t ever get the positive inspiration and drive your need to succeed in life. Do something awesome today! Sabrina Victoria Looking for more motivation and