Agile Rabbit

Explore South West



Explore South West launches with a lively public panel discussion on the topic “Is there anything left to explore in the 21st century?”. “The glory-seeking adventurer of old is giving way to explorers who want to understand the planet rather than dominate it.” This is how The Economist heralded the New Age of Discovery. Panel members will explain why the need to explore has never been more urgent and relevant, and how, in their own work they are contributing to a greater understanding of our planet through their discoveries. Chaired by Ritula Shah, BBC Radio 4 presenter, The World Tonight. Panel members include Faraz Shibli, Johanna Wadsley, Sam Lee & Niall McCann. This Friday night lecture preludes a one day seminar the following day: Explore South West at Exeter University, for anyone planning expeditions and field research overseas, with a focus on self-led student projects. The discussion is followed by a performance by folk singer and naturalist Sam Lee.