Agile Rabbit

The Extinction Rebellion Lawyer | Farhana Yamin



When police unglued Farhana Yamin from the forecourt of the Shell building—during recent climate protests—she became a figurehead of the Extinction Rebellion movement. The Climate Change lawyer appeared on front pages across the world and deftly handled interviews on programmes such as Newsnight. For this Agile Rabbit talk, Farhana argues that now is the time to rise up and rebel. Activism, she asserts, is key to affecting meaningful action that will combat Climate Change. Farhana’s work against Climate Change goes further back that recent protests. She worked on the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, the Paris Agreement between 200 nations, and represents small island nations affected by Climate Change in international legal cases. There was hope that governments would follow scientific expertise when making long-term strategic policy. Farhana argues that governments’ resistance against real action makes activism necessary. Individual lifestyle adjustments make little difference, and governments must now lead—