Agile Rabbit

Prof Karyn Morrissey | Health Inequalities & Climate Change



Recent headlines across the world declared that Climate Change is the ​“the biggest global health threat of the 21st century”—based on the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change published in November 2019. Its co-author joins us from the University of Exeter to discuss her vital work behind the story. The impacts of climate change are not felt equally. Those on low incomes—who are already more likely to have worse health—will suffer most from weather extremes, food shortages and flood damages, causing further health problems. Health inequalities in the UK are already stark. If you are born in parts of Glasgow, your life expectancy is 26 years less than someone born in Kensington & Chelsea. Across Western Europe life expectancy can vary by up to 10 years. In this timely talk—followed by audience questions and discussion—Professor Karyn Morrissey discusses the current health inequalities crisis and how climate change will bring our health systems to the brink. Karyn’s research is informing city leve