Tell Somebody

Marjorie Cohn – Grand Jury Manipulation, Kelly & Walker on Killer Drones  



Marjorie Cohn, author, criminal defense attorney and professor of criminal law and process at Thomas Jefferson University of Law returned to Tell Somebody for the December 25, 2014 edition of the show to talk about how the grand jury process was manipulated by St Louis County prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch in the case of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.   On last week’s show we just had time for short clips of the comments of Georgia Walker and Kathy Kelly the night before they were convicted and sentenced for protesting drone warfare at Whitman AFB.  The Christmas day broadcast had a more extended version of their remarks, and this podcast includes a few minutes more than that.   Click on the pod icon above, or the .mp3 filename below to listen to the show, or right-click and choose "save target as" or "save link as" to save a copy of the audio file to your computer.   You can also subscribe to the podcast, for free, at the iTunes store  or other podcast directory. If you have any comm