Onward Creatives

OC064: When you're pushed into greatness



Hopefully after last week's episode you realized that your life is one of a kind....it's epic! But even when we decide to take the risk and live our unique life....gravity does it's best to keep us inline and as a result many of us coast.  We usually coast along until life is disrupted and we're suddenly pushed into greatness. The epic journey sounds sexy but the reality is that it costs us blood, sweat, tears and usually money....in other words....sacrifice.  Here are six steps to make it through: 1. Wake up 2. Remember what you want 3. Define why you want it 4.Take is 30 minutes at a time 5. Celebrate progress 6. Go to sleep thinking about it.   Join our Private Facebook Group!   Welcome to the Onward Creatives Podcast.  A space to develop and grow your creative potential. Each week we provide inspiration and resources to you, the creative entrepreneur so that you can live out your greatest life story.  We're Jack and Valentina Fussell, creative entrepreneurs just like you, and each week we share insights f