Onward Creatives

OC120: Three reasons you need to be creating content



Content creation is like flossing.  We all know that we should do it, but most of us don't. Half of business is persuading people that you have a solution to their problem. (the other half is actually solving their problem). You can either run around with a Keynote deck to meetings all day long or you can create content that works for you even you're at the ballpark or coffee shop. If you're job hunting....create content. I can assure you most of your other hunters are not. Get to the heart of what your ideal role is and create content daily around that subject. This is a great way to sell yourself as the solution to a company's problems. If you offer a service to others to purchase....create content. Everyone has a website....so how do you stand out? You add value. If a company reads your article or listens to your podcast consistently they're less likely to venture somewhere else for a solution. If you're a leader at a company....create content. People respond differently to your ideas being presented in th