Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

Ep 119 - Intuitive Eating Frequently Asked Questions w/ Eliza Khinsoe of London Centre for Intuitive Eating



This week I'm tackling listener questions with Eliza Khinsoe - a fellow Nutrition Counsellor at London Centre for Intuitive Eating. Eliza shares a little about how she got into weight-inclusive practice, what her responsibilities are at LCIE and her work on the Pantry Party Pod to support students and new grads in the field.  The we go deep into YOUR questions. We cover so much in this episode, but some highlights include: When it’s time for gentle nutrition and how you balance nutrition information with intuitive eating How to learn to respect fullness cues What the deal is with mindful eating and challenging where our ideas around mindful eating have come from – i.e. are they informed by diet culture or are you seeing it more as a process of discovery We talk about comfort eating We also discuss why it’s totally normal in the context of diet culture to want to lose weight with intuitive eating and how you can begin to unpack that desire And why Intuitive Eating invites you to put down the pursuit of weight