Schofield Chiropractic Training Podcast

The Rhino Exam



SCT Coach Dr. FJ talks about the Rhino Exam that will prove your authority and unique value #DDNP Success is not a huge secret.   You have to master the fundamentals. You gotta be able to do them when the office is packed without thinking – it’s just a reflex that brings you massive results. It’s what you can do under pressure that matters.   We want to change the profession so that we have more Principled, Successful Chiropractors, only then can we make REAL CHANGE TOGETHER. Listen to these free Rhino University tips that WILL. MAKE. A. DIFFERENCE.   The biggest mistake made during the exam is that they’re SILENT.   The most common thing that untrained Chiropractors come to us with is that they talk the whole consult. They’re trying to educate people, which is good, but it’s all about “ME” – “Let me talking to you about the subluxation,” “let me tell you about the adjustment, “let me…”