Schofield Chiropractic Training Podcast

Rhino Productivity Strategy



I want to go over the number one productivity strategy I use and it has been a game-changer for me. I had a friend that I was working with that was going to an Elite Military Training and wanted to know what he could do. I told him this tip, this strategy and he later said that it was amazing. It made the difference for him and made everything else so much easier because he implemented this, each and every day. it’s his really, really powerful. It seems simple and almost common sense - But so few people use it. The ones who do it makes a massive difference for them. The tip for Productivity. You ready? Here it comes! Rituals and Routines. For a small business owner, chiropractor, entrepreneur, when you’ve got your family, you’ve got your children, your parents, you’re supposed to go to work in th business but you also want to work on the business plus take care of your own health. You want to eat right, you want to exercise, you want to have fun with some of your hobbies. Rituals and routines. Are the key and