Schofield Chiropractic Training Podcast

Rhino Profit Forecasting



Hey Rhinos, Dr. FJ Schofield   I want to go over an abbreviated version of some of the content I covered during our Digital Training. During the time of this video we are currently working through Covid-19, but this will be on YouTube for years to come so if there’s ever any crisis or recession this is valuable information you can use. When I was in my 9th Trimester at Chiropractic school and my friend and I were putting together a business plan. You know, you’re excited, you’re ideological “we’re going to average 15 NP visits/week and we’re going to ….” So I show my dad, and he goes “you know this is great, and maybe you will grow this way. But you have to plan for the worst case scenario. You have to plan that some weeks you might only have 2 or 3 New Patients in the beginning, or none.” You have to plan that way, you can expect the best, that’s great, but plan for the worst. In any crisis, whenever times are difficult, any planning period, it’s always best to plan for the worst. Expect the best, but plan