Living Intentionally With Amy Smalarz

Living Intentionally and Always Learning with Charles Lightfoot



Charles D. Lightfoot III, a Husband, Father and Brother to his community, from an early age always sought to find ways to help people.  Working alongside the proud men and women of  the Oakland Fire Dept in Oakland CA since 2004, his experiences fueled the fire (pun intended)  to help people on a larger scale.   Always looking for a challenge, he believes that although it’s an amazing experience to have been able to save the lives of those in a moment of need, it’s an even more amazing experience to impact the lives of people that may not have known they were in need.  His life’s purpose is to help people raise their own self-awareness by owning their power and assisting them in moving in the direction of their own passion in life. He uses this intentionality to mentor at risk youth as well as assist business owners in achieving their goals in sales, marketing and leadership.