Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 069: Expecting Without Expectation with Amina Taha



Amina Taha is a yoga teacher and practitioner, mother, and co-founder of Living Room Yoga Sessions, a platform to encourage a daily practice of love, non-attachment, and faith. To Amina, yoga is about uncovering the infinite possibility within your body and mind. In this episode, you'll hear from Amina on: Learning true presence from practicing yoga through the unpredictable changes of pregnancy What postpartum recovery training has in common with Ashtanga yoga The inspiration for Living Room Yoga Sessions, and how to develop a home practice if you don't have access to a yoga studio Advice for yogis who have just become pregnant or who are planning to become pregnant Announcements: Celebrate my one-year Veganniversary with yoga, plant-based pizza and ice cream, and prizes — all benefiting Woodstock Farm Sanctuary: henrywins.com/events Join me for upcoming workshops in NYC, Texas, and Mexico: henrywins.com/events Links from this episode: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer — Grab a copy of Amina's recom