Mindset Academy

The Correct Way to Support Your Partner | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “My Girlfriend constantly complains about her body and doesn’t do anything about it. What should I do?” In this Episode,  Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise viewer Shane on what to do to stop his frustration, help his girlfriend and be a supportive partner.  Key Takeaways: [0:25] Consider that there may be pain underneath what she is saying. Try being patient, compassionate and understanding.  Women are VERY harsh on themselves.  It really can help if a partner practices kindness.  [1:35] A tool that can help those who are judging themselves is this:  First identify what specifically am I judging about myself? Don’t hide from it, dive into it!  By doing that, you can peel the layers away, like an onion and see what is at the core of your judgments. Am I feeling inadequate, scared, overwhelmed?  [2:20 ] Practice compassionate self forgiveness. While we often apologize to others that we may have hurt...we often forget to say sorry to ourselves.