Mindset Academy

Raising Teens in the Age of Social Media | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our very own questions! “My teenager is constantly on the internet, how can I get him to give social media a break?” In this Episode, Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise themselves on how to navigate their teen's obsession with Social Media! Key Takeaways: [0:20] Try to find things that you can bond over.  Get them out of the house, and try and do something interesting together that can be a bonding experience as well as giving them a break from their screens. [1:15] It is a tricky one, because our kids are online chatting with their friends, so it’s a weird mix of being social and antisocial at the same time. “Socially Alone” is a thing. It’s hard because we as parents are also on our phones so it can feel hypocritical to tell them to get off their devices. [2:25 ] Clear communication and agreements are key. It’s all about meeting in the middle. You can come to them and say “This is what we want, and this what we suggest” and they might very well counter something c