Mindset Academy

We Can’t Agree on A Honeymoon Destination | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “My Fiance and I were talking about our Wedding and our Honeymoon and we can’t figure out where to go. What do we do?” In this Episode,  Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise their viewer Wesley on how to navigate their disagreement about their honeymoon destination. Key Takeaways: [1:30] Acknowledge the other person for their wonderful opinion. If you are going back and forth, it can create a big conflict, so it’s really important to talk about the parameters of what you are deciding.  [2:30] Each person should share everything they are thinking and why they are thinking that and make sure you are validating the other person.  In each person’s mind their own opinion will make perfect sense to them, so it will be helpful to hear exactly why they are thinking what they are thinking. [3:00] The opportunity to consider new things and be flexible is SO important in a relationship and especially a marriage. [3:10] Figure out how important it is to yo