Mindset Academy

Should You Share Your Social Media Passwords? | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “My Girlfriend wants all my social media passwords, do I give them to her?” In this Episode,  Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise their viewer Marvin on whether or not to share his passwords with his Girlfriend.  Key Takeaways: [0:30] Why don’t you want to share them? Do you have something to hide? If you are in a loving relationship you shouldn’t have anything to hide.  You may wish to have a conversation with yourself and figure out why you are hiding something from your girlfriend in the first place. [1:20] Why is she asking you? If it’s because she is fear based and doesn’t trust you, then that isn’t good. You are allowed to have your own life.  The other person doesn’t need to know EVERYTHING about you.  [2:10] Don’t lose your autonomy and individuality. Every relationship is made of YOU, THEM and the RELATIONSHIP. You are still you no matter what and if you do lose yourself in the relationship, it will become very hard for you to show up