Mindset Academy

I Keep Taking Everything Personally, What Do I Do? | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “I keep taking everything that everyone around me is saying personally. What in the world do I do?” In this Episode,  Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise their viewer Deborah on how she can stop taking everything personally.    Key Takeaways: [1:07] Often when people take things personally they take things that are neutral and add so much meaning to it and make it all about themselves. Whatever it is that you are feeling if it's ‘not worthy’ or ‘not enough’--then that’s what you are going to hear in whatever anyone else says to you.  [2:15] People’s opinions can reflect judgments we have placed on ourselves. Read the “Four Agreements” “Your Opinion of Me is None of My Business,” and really start to put these new tools into effect.  [3:45] Practice Compassionate Self-Forgiveness. We are so quick to forgive others and we often have trouble forgiving ourselves.  Forgive yourself for judging yourself and for taking other’s judgments personally.  Y