Youthpod Ireland

YouthPod Ireland Season 04 Episode 04 Bereavement



It is the moments in life where we encounter change that our mental resilience is tested the most and there is no bigger change in a person's life than when they suffer a bereavement. Unfortunately, in the area in which we work, there have been one too many bereavements and in this episode of YouthPod Ireland we discuss how young people might cope with these bereavements. We give some personal accounts of loss, share advice and opinions on the issue and we connect with each other over a sensitive but extremely relevant topic. Bereavement is just one issue that can impact our mental health and if we want to build more resilient communities and take away the stigmas of mental health, we absolutely MUST talk about losing those closest to us. Have a listen and share with anyone who might benefit from listening. Take care and please contact us if you need further support or information on this topic. YPI