Rabbitt Stew Comics

Rabbitt Stew Comics Episode 006



Show notes for this week: the new Black Widow series, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, the Direct book market, Robert Kirkman, Diamond distribution, Fill-ins, Grant Morrison, Earth One, geekmom, graphic policy, Aquaman and Aquarape, Spider-Man, Hugh Laurie, Fantastic Four, Comedy Books (Squirrel Girl, Howard the Duck, Harley Quinn), Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon, Marvel/DC gearing more projects towards children, DC Superhero Girls.  And the Comics Countdown for 30 Sep (SHIELD, Sons of the Devil, Zodiac Star Force, Revival, They're Not Like Us, Batman Annual, American Vampire: Second Cycle, Archie, Book of Death: Fall of Harbinger, Sandman: Overture).