Rabbitt Stew Comics

Rabbitt Stew Comics Episode 009



More Marvel launch announcements (International Iron Man by Bendis and Maleev, Punisher by Becky Cloonan and Steve Dillon, Hyperion, Nighthawk, X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever), Learning to Crawl by Dan Slott, Marvel Double Shipping, Empress by Millar and Immonen, various Star Wars titles, Green River Killer, Jessica Jones, Alias, Mattie Franklin Spider-Woman, Spider-Man/Deadpool by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness, Miracleman/Marvelman, DC Dark, DC Edge, Young DC, Titans Hunt, Kaijumax, A-Force, Totally Awesome Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Omniboo and Absolutes.  A special return of the Red Alert this week!  Two titles earn the distinction: Wonder Woman and Teen Titans.  And, of course, the Comics Countdown for 21 Oct 2015