Vox Republica: Podcast Of The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 049: CONNNNNNNN!! Part One



Episode 049: CONNNNNNNN!! Part One Length: 34:44 Subscribe to Show Link:    Welcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast! We’re back at posting new episodes every Thursday, and each episode will be about 20 - 30 minutes long. The countdown has begun! Were less than a month out from Gen Con, and that means we're starting our pre-convention coverage.  The thing is, there's a lot to cover, and we can't do it all in one episode. So we're breaking it up into (at least ) two parts. This week we begin by having on Dave Gordon to talk about what lies in store for the tabletop RPG arena and what in particular he's excited for. What sort of RPGs is Dave looking forward to, and do they line up with yours? Be sure to let us know your selections!   We’d love to hear from you! Please leave feedback via email at podcast@cardboardrepublic.com. You can also reach us social media, including Twitter and BoardGameGeek.   Audio Credits: Intro music track is "8-Bit Brawl" by DJ Cutman featuring S&CO., used wit