Vox Republica: Podcast Of The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 053: Gen Con 2014 Recap



Episode 053: Gen Con 2014 Recap Length: 47:28 Subscribe to Show Link:    Welcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast! We’re back at posting new episodes every Thursday, and each episode will be about 20 - 30 minutes long. Gen Con 2014 has come and gone. We have returned to the real world, caught up on some sleep, and are already looking forward to the next thing around the corner.  We couldn't possibly include all of what we experienced in one podcast, however. Instead Ryan put together an incredibly comprehensive list in The Big Damn Recap of 2014, and you should check it out when you can! To accompany that, this week's has us chatting about some of our cherrypicked highlights and misses of the con. These include a couple Kickstarters like Lift Off! and Heifer Heist, along with games from: AEG APE Games Asmodee Games Bezier Games Catalyst Games Cryptozoic Entertainment Dice Hate Me Games Eagle & Gryphon Games Fantasy Flight Games Floodgate Games Foxtrot Games Game Salute Gamelyn Games