Vox Republica: Podcast Of The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 065: Licensed RPGs



Episode 065: Licensed RPGs Length: 31:59 Subscribe to Show Link:    Welcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast! We post new episodes every Thursday, and each episode will be about 20 - 30 minutes long. It's one thing to pull your sword defiantly from your scabbard and face down a band of orcs in your friend's latest D&D setting, but it's a different experience entirely when that gritty scene is actually happening in Middle Earth. That is the allure of licensed RPGs. Licensed intellectual property games are nothing new in the tabletop world, and they continue to exist alongside the ever-growing original RPG settings. Whether it's the X-Files, Doctor Who, Firefly, Star Trek, or a fan-created version of almost any TV show, movie, comic book, or literary setting that generates enough gamer interest, licensed RPGs continue to be part of our collective gaming consciousness. What does it take to be a successful licensed RPG, though? Are they any better or worse than more original settings? And