Money Matters With Dino

#102 The Good, The Bad & My Credit Report



Credit Scores and conversations about them don’t exactly strike awe or feel super compelling…until you consider how much your credit score affects the amount of money in your bank account.   Think about this, a low credit score could mean a point higher on your mortgage, which translates to a few hundred $’s more a month.  Let’s add to that a higher interest on your credit cards equaling hundreds more in minimum payments a month.  Ohhh and don’t forget about your car payment being maybe a $100 more a month.  All together now your spending close to a $1,000 more than you should.  What else could you do with that money?  Do we have your attention? Dino speaks with Credit Repair expert Derek Boyd from Credit Law Solutions.  Here are some of the questions that Derek answered: Let’s start with can you give us a basic explanation of how credit scores are calculated?  What are the things that create the most damage to a credit score?  Is it the late payments, high revolving balances…?  Cna you break it down for m