Money Matters With Dino

#105 Maria Kutscher - Smart Women, Smart Money



So you think women don't enjoy talking about wealth strategy and finances?  Well allow me to introduce you to Certified Financial Planner Maria Kutscher.  Take a look at Maria's credentials: Certified Financial Planner Chartered Financial Analyst Chartered Retirement Planning Consultant Accredited Asset Management Specialist Founder & CEO, Allovest Here are some of the questions Dino asked Maria on this episode: 1)      What do you think is one of the biggest risks for investors this year, that they aren’t aware of? 2)      So what can investors do, what are some strategies to protect the bonds in your portfolio not if, but when interest rates start to rise? 3)      What’s going on with oil and should we be adding energy to our portfolios? 4)      We’ve just finished 6 straight years of stock market gains… can we make it to 7 years this year? 5)      Most investors have some international stocks in their portfolio…. Given what’s happening overseas, what’s the update here? 6)      Mutual funds or ETF’s…