Guns, Dice, Butter

Guns, Dice, Butter Episode XV: June 14, 2013



Welcome to Episode XV: June 14, 2013 of Guns, Dice, Butter: a series of conversations with members of the wargaming tribe O:00 Intro; overview of the episode  0:07 Al Nofi discusses SPI and S&T, researching games with Dunnigan & gang, wargaming connection to sci-fi, John Boardman, Issac Assinov, Sprague de Camp..Friday nite follies, bouncing checks to an Israeli general, West Point and a pretty face at SPI. 0:45 Al Nofi discusses his design Imperium Romanum and seven centuries of associated Roman history. 1:11 John Alsen reviews Consimworld Expo (Monster Con) 2013, It Never Snows, Racier’s new design Dark Valley, Herman’s Churchill, War of the Suns, new designs in the pipe from Decision Games (a 3rd world war beast, a BIG ACW game...and, hold on to your hats, an update of Campaign for North Africa), The War from Compass Games 1: 53 John Alsen taunts me and all with his brand new game, War of the Suns; discusses what’s in the  HUGE box. 2:17 Wrap up…a gift from Chris Bailey, playing Carthage, a new lis