Guns, Dice, Butter

Guns,Dice,Butter XXIII: FEB 17, 2015



Welcome to Episode XXIII of Guns, Dice, Butter: Feb 17 2015, Fat Tuesday Special! 0:00 Intro: It’s Mardi Gras! Spring is near! 0:05 Curtis Baer: WBC stories:  Point of Origin, Matt & Joe’s Devil Cauldron, Pitch Car, THE BIG GAME, François’  wild NAP WARs game, Red Neck Life, WBC food, Being the coach of the RANGERS!, the Honorary Fez 0:41 John Butterfield: Point of Origin, Early days at SPI, the playtest room for Campaign in North Africa, John’s great designs: Freedom of the Galaxy, Ambush, Hell’s Highway, RAF, D-Day at Omaha Beach, Enemy Action Ardennes, SPI Strato-matic League, The Beloved 1987 Minnesota Twins 1:40 Bryan Collars: Point of Origin, Greenville Mafia, WBC: The Boardgame (preorder on GMT Games) 2:23 Mark Herman, Wendell Albright, Herr Dr: Logistics & Supply in Wargames: “The Spectrum”, Victory Games’ elegant & unique The Korean War, Dunnigan’s Breakout & Pursuit, 1776, Empire of the Sun, importance of logistics in ancients campaign & the GREAT book on Macedonian logistics