Birthing Of Giants With Lewis Schiff

Episode 11: How Darragh Fitzpatrick Weathers a Storm Front of Success



Darragh Fitzpatrick has his head in the clouds… plus both arms, both legs, and whatever’s left. But he’s no daydreamer! As a partner and executive vice president at The Tabush Group, Darragh and his company have innovated a cutting edge approach to IT services that relies on cloud technology to provide a better, more responsive product for their clients. Darragh and his partner, founder Morris Tabush, believe that cloud-based IT is a step forward for their industry. But maneuvering their company to be ready for the success front that their new product - Boxtop - is bringing has presented some real challenges for Darragh to overcome. For more, listen to the podcast! For more information on the Birthing of Giants Fellowship program, click here to visit the program's website.