Big Wig Nation With Darrin Bentley

BWN 059: Hale Dwoskin, How to remove fear, doubt and negativity with just a few simple questions



In perhaps one of the most POWERFUL conversations I've had to date, I speak with Hale Dwoskin about his revolutionary (and life changing) personal development technology known as The Sedona Method.   This is one of the strongest methodologies I've ever seen for immediately releasing fear, anger, resentment, jealousy and a whole host of other negative emotions that tend to trip us up on a daily basis.   By a series of just a few simple questions (at least they "seem" simple on the surface), The Sedona Method allows you to quickly and easily remove these negative emotions from your life as well as increase and improve upon the GOOD emotions and feelings to make them even stronger!   This is a POWERFUL methodology and one of the best I've ever seen!   If you listen to this episode and would like to learn more about The Sedona Method, Hale has offered an almost 50% discount off his "SUPER COURSE", (which teaches every aspect of his powerful technology) to my listeners!   Take advantage quick because he's only doi