For Amusement Only Em And Bingo Pinball Podcast

Episode 416 - Robo-Frenzy, Multi Horse Race, Sing Along, 1941 Bally Fairmont



As usual, lots going on - I've begun work in depth in wiring Robo-Frenzy.  All coils have power, but switches and steppers between still need to be wired.  I also need to install a light board and wire lamps.  Much of the game is driven by illuminated elements, so testing will not be much fun until I can see what I'm doing! I've also taken the first step to making a Multi Horse Race game.  These predecessors to the bingo pinballs are fascinating in their own right.   I also picked up a game that's been on my want list for many years: Gottlieb's Sing Along.  Beautiful game with compelling gameplay. Lastly, thanks to a user on the woodrail Facebook group, some of the interesting gameplay elements of 1941's Bally Fairmont are explained as the Year of Flipperless continues.