Gayest Episode Ever

Mr. Roper Has a Gay Awakening



“Strange Bedfellows” (October 4, 1977) Some people think of Three’s Company as being a show that hinges on zany misunderstandings that could be solved if one character just said one thing. That’s not the case with this second-season episode, in which Mr. Roper wakes up in bed with Jack, who, we should remember, has told his landlords he is gay. What follows is actually a tighter-plotted TV episode than you might expect. Check out A Love Bizarre, downtown Los Angeles’ new queer art space Support us on Patreon! Follow: GEE on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter Listen: iTunes • Spotify • Stitcher • Google Play • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn  And yes, we do have an official website! And we even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This is a TableCakes podcast.