Gayest Episode Ever

Ross’s Lesbian Ex-Wife Gets Lesbian Married



“The One With the Lesbian Wedding”(January 18, 1996) Carol and Susan forever! In our previous look at Friends, we concluded that the ten-season sitcom put homosexuality in a bad light. Around the same time, everyone else concluded that as well, but what if season two’s “The One With the Lesbian Wedding” actually doesn’t suck so hard? Emelie Burnette Battaglia Balenciaga returns to talk about the episode the second Friends episode that ties LGBT issues with a recently deceased old lady. “So Was Friends Homophobic?” by Kelsey Miller “Homophobic Friends,” a 50-minute supercut of Friends’ lamest LGBT moments Support us on Patreon! Buy or rent Glen’s movie, Being Frank, on iTunes Check out A Love Bizarre, Los Angeles’ No. 1 best queer art space: Follow: GEE on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter Listen: iTunes • Spotify • Stitcher • Google Play • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn  And yes, we do have an official website! And we even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed b