Gayest Episode Ever

Drew and Glen Answer Listener Questions



It's a GEE Q&A! Following the Golden Girls table read, we decided to take a week off, and it turns out we needed one more before we jump into the cycle of actual “episode” episodes. So in lieu of that, Drew and Glen answer a bunch of questions we've been sent by listeners over the past two years. We swear it’s actually content! Call us and leave a message on the TableCakes Hotline at (209) 566-CAKE. No, really. Listen to the two “lost” episodes that SoundCloud took offline but which are live again since we migrated to Libsyn: Everyone Loves Raymond’s Possibly Gay Brother and Rebecca Howe Suffers From Gay Blindness. Suck it, SoundCloud! Buy Glen’s movie, Being Frank. It’s not exactly a Spotify playlist of all the GEE outro tracks, but if you want to spend some time in that general territory, this might do the trick. Support us on Patreon! Follow: GEE on Twitter • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter Listen: iTunes • Spotify • Stitcher • Google Play • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn • SoundCloud And yes, w