Inside Acting

Episode 293: 2017 Q3 Review



In Episode 293, Trev and AJ commit an entire episode to gettin’ real with their own personal and professional progress from the past 90 days of 2017, taking a hard look at what’s working, what’s not, and what they’re declaring next. Highlights: * making vulnerability a living practice * reframing the harsh reality of competing priorities * New tool: ’Day Mapping’ * dancing with the experience of shame… * … and defining and employing ‘shame disruptors’ * sketching out van life for actors * and more… This is our most honest, open, real review yet. And if there’s anything we’ve come to realize at this point in our journeys, it’s this: anything is possible. Absolutely anything. 2018 is coming. You in? Total running time: 1:23:57. -- Support for this episode of Inside Acting comes from: * VO2GoGo – * Rehearsal Pro – * You! –