Inside Acting

Episode 301: The Biggest Learns From 300 Episodes



We’ve been hand-crafting weekly episodes of Inside Acting since late 2009. And today, after 300 episodes, we explore how we’ve changed and who we’ve become over the course of that journey, sharing a few of the biggest life and career lessons we’ve learned. Some are borne of the work we’ve done on and with the podcast, others are direct nuggets of wisdom from guests. And a few are the hard-won truth of life and career experience. In all cases, they’ve been pivotal tipping points that fundamentally inform who we are today, 8+ years after starting this thing. We hope you enjoy this special year-end episode of Inside Acting. Have a great holiday, The IAP Team -- Support for this episode of Inside Acting comes from: * VO2GoGo – * Rehearsal Pro – * You! –