



It is easy to see your way towards your new job when the sky is clear, and things are going your way. But what happens when the fog rolls in? Do you have a plan, a roadmap to your next job that you can use when things are not as positive? My clients use a Six-Second Action Plan. This allows them to know what their next step is each day, each week. They can refer to it whenever they need to know the next step towards their new job. Their plans include deciding which of the 12 ways to land a job they will use. Then they decide how many hours each week they will devote to each activity. Once this is decided, then they schedule hours for “me time,” family time, and time with friends. The beauty of this is it takes the guilt out of the process. When you are doing job search activities, it is easy to feel guilty about not spending time with family. And when you are doing things with your family, it is easy to feel guilty that you are not job seeking. Scheduling each activity gives you permission to focus all