



A positive mindset is the best way to approach your interview. After you get your butterflies flying in formation, review your 7-step plan. 1. Have a theme 2. Know your strengths 3. Know any Red Flags 4. Know what they will ask 5. Know your value 6. Have an exit plan 7. Ask permission to follow up Think about typical questions you could expect to be asked in an interview. This starts with “can you tell me a little about yourself?” This is not an invitation to talk about the pony ride you got for your birthday in the third grade. It should be short and concise and end with how what you have done has prepared you for this new position. You should expect to be asked, “why should I hire you?” I asked that as one of the last questions when I was interviewing candidates for Costco. Those that knew what the position was about, gave the best answers. The key to success is having your ideas worked out ahead of time. Use the job posting to know what you should focus on. Think of your accomplishments and fi