Soul Crush

Soul Crush Ep. 22: Free Your Inner Voice with Nikki Slade



This episode is part of Power of Love School's Free Online Series, where we are learning about the roots of Yoga, how it can heal us and how we can open to more diversity and inclusivity into our practice, hearts, and lives.   Join Adriana Rizzolo with guest speaker, Nikki Slade in this discussion about chanting and Freeing Your Inner Voice.   In this episode, Adriana and Nikki share with our listeners: Two offerings and examples of a mantra-chanting practice, for listeners to experience  the art and practice of chanting. The basic origins of mantra and the examples of some of the Indian saints that brought this practice into being. How the "pursuit of bliss" is actually not about the outer practices or environments we find ourselves in-but rather a practice of the inner growth and nurturing of the self. Giving ourselves permission to choose our own devotion and beliefs to utilize to the fullest extent of our purpose her on earth. Learning how a mantra and chanting practice is not discrimin