Stolen Lunches Bible Study

What is Your Purpose?



My name is Jacinda and my husband's name is Flyty! Yes, really "FlyTy".  We are on air personalities with a lot of awesome personality to share with you.  One special secret about us is we both absolutely love the Lord.  We desire to have a deeper relationship and we love sharing stories, teaching & preaching the word of God.  We are not perfect by any means but we believe "Lovin God is Dope" and we want to share our walk with you. Our calling for the Lord is to speak His name in everything we do.  We have launched a nonprofit called, "Stolen Lunches".  It started as a small bible study setting with 8 ladies who decided to give up a lunch break to be fed by God.  Years later we are now a global bible study community.  Now leading virtual bible studies for women, men and married couples.  We have prayer groups and retreats, with a dream to launch Stolen Lunches bible study community for kids very soon.  We are all servants for Christ with the passion to be better in our faith walk.   In today's bible stu