Stolen Lunches Bible Study

A Man After God's Own Heart



Today men joined together for our monthly Men's Bible Study.  Guest speaker Dr. Michael Figgers shares David's walk in the bible and reflects how men fight with the same struggles and carry the same anointing. Today Dr. Figgers examined the heart of who David was in the bible.  He wasn't the strongest of his 7 brothers and he wasn't the best looking but He was chosen and anointed by Jesus.  This is the same thing for you- You may not be the best but you have been chosen by God.   Characteristics of David: Psalms 91:1 & 2 David trust God and was patient.  We have to remember to wait on the Lord. Psalms 27:13 He was a strong leader and brave warrior. Are you walking in faith or fear today? Psalms 1-4 & Psalms 150 David was a worshipper.  How much time do you give to God?   1st Samuel 16:23 & 2nd Samuel 6:5 David was Anointed and Gifted.  We all are called by God and given spiritual gifts.  There are things you can do that I can't.  You have to accept you calling and walk into it. 1